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Terms And Conditions

For Booking of Rituals/Kathavachan:

  • Please provide your correct information in the requiredfields.
  • Please provide your correct information in the requiredfields.
  • Please provide your correct detailsduring registration.
  • Please mention correctly, the date, place and name of Rituals / Kathavachan.
  • The total amountof Dakshina shownagainst any particular Ritual / Kathavachan, is excluding of required materials, the cost of which will be borne by you.
  • At the time of bookingfor Rituals / Kathavachan, you will have to make an upfrontpayment of 6% of Dakshina amount as advance for confirmation of Ritual / Kathavachan.
  • The Balance 94% Dakshina amountwill be paid by you directly to the PanditJi in cash, after the completion of Pooja / Kathavachan.
  • Once you will get contactdetails of Pandit Ji, he will inform you the materialsrequired to perform the Ritual / Kathavachan (as mentioned above, the cost of the same will be borne by you).
  • After completion of Ritual / Kathavachan, you will share the OTP received by you, with PanditJi.
  • You will allow NorthStar Ritual Services(OPC) Private Limited(“NRSPL”) to utilize the your feedback, through audio, video or any other form, provided by you, for the purpose of promotion and / or furtherance of objectives / activities undertaken by NRSPL

During the Pooja:

  • Please make sure that you are available for the Ritual / Kathavachan as per the schedule.
  • Any other petty amounts paid by you during the Rituals /Kathavachan will be as per your discretion.

General Conditions:

  • You have an option to schedule Rituals / Kathavachans at the location of your choice, for which, the cost of travelling, lodging, boarding and local conveyance of Pandit Ji will be borne by you.
  • For virtual mode (Online Pooja),please ensure for proper internetconnectivity.
  • In case of any dispute,the same will be resolvedunder the Jurisdiction of PUNE Court.

Rescheduling / Cancellation Policy:

  • The Ritual / Kathavachan can be re-scheduled only 48 hours before the scheduleddate.
  • No refund will be allowed.

Private Policy:

  • This notice describes our Privacy Policy. By visiting our website or mobile app andotherwise interacting with NorthStarRitual Services (OPC)Private Limited - bookyourpandit, you agree to accept our practices described in the privacy policy.
  • The NorthStarRitual Services (OPC)Private Limited and its partnerswill have accessto such information in order to contact you for ritual related services. The Information submitted by you, such as personaldata, may be stored in a personally-identifiable formatand is used only for internal purposes and is not sharedwith people or organizations outside of the company, its subsidiaries or successors in interest, and its business partners,except where such sharing is required, in such manner and / or with such authorities, under any statute or law for the time being in force.. Further, only mandatory data will be accessed by the Pandits to provide you their professional services in the respective field.